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How to Use SEO to Grow Your Construction Company in 2024


Search engine optimization, or SEO for construction companies is more important than ever for companies looking to get found online and generate leads in 2024. With the right SEO strategy, you can drive more website traffic, connect with potential customers searching for construction services in your area, and grow your business.

This comprehensive guide from the SEO experts at BC Web Services will teach you tips and strategies specifically for the construction industry to boost your local search rankings this year.

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SEO for construction companies infographic.

What is SEO and Why it Matters for Construction Companies

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It refers to the process of improving your website and online content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) like Google.

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The goal of SEO for construction companies is to get your website found for relevant keyword searches so you drive more organic traffic from search engines, as opposed to having to pay for ads. Higher rankings equal more visibility, traffic, and conversions.

SEO for construction companies is extremely important for a few key reasons:

  • Most people search online to find local construction services. SEO helps you get found when potential customers search for things like “kitchen remodel near me” or “roofing company in [city]”.

  • Higher SEO rankings mean you’ll show up above competitors in local search results. This can be the difference between getting calls/leads or losing out to another company.

  • SEO brings targeted traffic. People searching for construction-related keywords are already looking for your services, so you have a great chance to convert them into leads.

  • SEO delivers a long-term source of leads and new business. Once your pages rank, they will continue driving new website visitors month after month.

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Clearly, SEO is something construction companies can’t afford to ignore in 2024 and beyond. Applying the tips in this guide from the SEO experts at BC Web Services will help you rank higher and turn more of your website visitors into customers. (Resource: Search Engine Journal)

How Does SEO for construction companies work?

Before diving into specific strategies, it helps to understand the basics of how SEO for construction companies works in 2024. Here is a quick overview:

  • Search engines like Google want to give users the most relevant results for their queries. Your goal with SEO is to make Google see your website and pages as the most relevant for terms and searches related to your services.

  • Major search engines use bots and algorithms to crawl the web and index websites. They look for signals and clues to determine a site’s relevance for different keywords.

  • These signals include things like keywords usage, quality backlinks pointing to your site, site speed, authority, trust, user engagement and more (read more on ranking factors).

  • By optimizing these signals, you can improve your SEO and your search rankings. It takes an ongoing effort using tactics like keyword research, link building, site optimization, content creation and technical SEO.

  • For local SEO for construction companies, specifically optimizing your Google My Business listing and other local directories is crucial to show up for geo-targeted searches.

Now let’s go over specific strategies and tips to boost SEO for construction companies in 2024.

Start with Comprehensive Keyword Research

Keyword research lays the foundation for an effective SEO for construction companies strategy.

It involves identifying high-potential keywords and search terms that prospective customers are using to find construction services in your area.

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Make a list of primary keywords (like “remodeling contractor”), secondary keywords (“kitchen remodeling”) and geo-targeted keywords (“bathroom remodel Denver CO”).

Tools like Ubersuggest, Google’s Keyword Planner and Semrush can help you find more keyword variations and low competition/high traffic keywords to target.

You want to end up with a list of 10-20 core keywords to focus your SEO efforts around. Optimize these keywords across your website, content, titles, headers, image names and more.

Pro tip: Include question-based keywords like “how much does a bathroom remodel cost?” since featured snippets give you prime SERP real estate.

“Proper keyword research is the key foundation of any effective SEO strategy,” says Miguel Calderon, Head of SEO at BC Web Services. “With the right keywords identified, you can optimize your entire website to attract more searches for your services.”

Optimize Your Google My Business Listing

For any local construction business, your Google My Business listing is critical for driving local leads from searchers.

Make sure your GMB profile is completely filled out with your business info, photos, description, services, etc. This helps Google understand what your company does.

Here are key things to optimize in your GMB listing according to our experts at BC Web Services:

  • Business name, address and phone number – Make sure these are accurate and match the NAP details used on your website/other listings.

  • Categories – Select all relevant categories like “home contractor,” “kitchen remodeling,” etc.

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  • Services list – Add all services offered. This helps Google know what keywords to rank you for.

  • Description – Use your keywords to summarize what you do and highlight your service area.

  • Photos – Add photos of your team, work, office, etc. to stand out.

  • Attributes – Include special attributes like “women-led business,” “family-owned,” etc. if applicable.

  • Reviews – Get more 5-star reviews to build trust and authority for your listing.

Monitoring and updating your GMB regularly is key for local SEO for construction companies success.

Build Backlinks to Your Site

Gaining backlinks (i.e. other sites linking to your website) remains one of the most important signals for SEO for construction companies in 2024 according to our experts.

Strive to build new high-quality backlinks from industry directories, other local construction sites, and trusted review/media outlets.

Here are actionable link building tactics for construction companies recommended by the BC Web Services SEO team:

  • Get listed on aggregator sites and directories like HomeAdvisor, Angie’s List, Houzz and industry-specific lists.

  • Guest post on local construction blogs and niche sites relevant to your services. Provide useful expertise and link back to your site.

  • Get featured in roundups like “Best Bathroom Remodeling Contractors in Denver” on local publications.

  • Sponsor local events/causes and get listed on their website as a sponsor.

  • Promote your best content on social media and in relevant communities to attract inbound links.

  • Refresh old posts and link to them from new content to build internal links.

Each new quality link helps your domain authority and keyword rankings over time.

Create Fresh, Original Content

Creating blog posts, guides and other content optimized with your keywords is a proven construction SEO tactic recommended by the experts at BC Web Services.

Aim to consistently publish new content on your site. Blog posts are a great option. Make sure you do the following:

  • Incorporate your target keywords naturally in headlines, text, captions, etc. but avoid over-stuffing.

  • Answer common customer questions related to your services. “How much does a kitchen remodel cost on average?” is a perfect example.

  • Provide practical tips and advice. For example “5 Ways to Improve Energy Efficiency During a Home Remodel Project.” Give your expertise!

  • Optimize content with SEO best practices – Include images, videos, formatting, meta descriptions, alt text, relevant links, etc.

  • Promote your content on social media, email newsletters, etc. to drive more organic visits from real people. More interaction signals to Google your content is valuable.

Original blog posts are a proven way to climb rankings by regularly adding fresh, keyword-optimized pages.

Optimize Website Speed

Here’s an alarming stat: 53% of mobile site visitors will leave a page that takes over 3 seconds to load. Check out this blog post on mobile optimization for more info!

For an SEO and conversion standpoint, slow site speed is unacceptable in 2024 according to our experts at BC Web Services.

Make optimizing your web pages a priority:

  • Use a fast, modern web host like WP Engine (our agency partner) or Bluehost. Avoid slow shared hosts.

  • Minify CSS, JavaScript and HTML files. Remove unnecessary code to streamline files.

  • Compress images to reduce file size.

  • Limit HTTP requests by combining files/using browser caching.

  • Upgrade to a lighter theme like GeneratePress if your current theme is bloated. Elementor paired with GP is a fast option.

  • Get a faster caching plugin like WP Rocket to regenerate pages quickly.

Test your mobile and desktop site speed at PageSpeed Insights or Pingdom. Target a load time under 2.5 seconds.

The faster your site, the better for SEO and UX.

Leverage Technical SEO For Construction Companies Best Practices

Beyond content, you need to optimize the technical foundations of your website for SEO success.

This includes things like:

  • Mobile-friendly design – Your site needs to accommodate small screens with responsive design. Over half of searchers are now on mobile.

  • SSL certificate – Switch your site to HTTPS for security and ranking boost.

  • Sitemaps – Submit XML sitemaps to index new content faster.

  • Pagination – Make sure paginated content like “Blog 2” is crawlable.

  • Optimized headers – Use H1, H2 tags with target keywords.

  • Clean metadata – Maintain accurate page titles and meta descriptions.

  • Schema markup – Add schema like FAQ Page to improve richness.

Investing in technical SEO creates the optimal site structure and visibility for search bots to crawl and rank your pages according to the SEO professionals at BC Web Services.

Track and Measure Results

The final step is tracking SEO KPIs to gauge your progress and results.

Use tools like Google Analytics, Search Console, and Rank Tracker to monitor:

  • Organic traffic from search engines
  • Click-through-rate on search engine results
  • Keyword ranking positions
  • Traffic from specific landing pages
  • Conversions from organic traffic

Analyze this data regularly to see what’s working and identify new opportunities to improve your construction SEO.

Now you’re ready to rank your construction business locally and attract more searchers looking for your services in 2024!


Key Takeaways

  • SEO for construction companies is critical to get found locally and connect with customers online.

  • Optimize your website, content, and Google My Business listing according to SEO best practices.

  • Target informative, keyword-rich content to answer customer questions.

  • Build backlinks from directories, aggregators and local sites.

  • Technical optimizations create the SEO foundations for ranking success.

  • Track organic traffic and conversions to measure your SEO KPIs.

Applying these SEO tips will help your construction website and GMB listing rank higher in 2024 for more visibility, website traffic and new business. The SEO professionals at BC Web Services can help build and execute a winning SEO strategy tailored for your construction company.

Frequently Asked Questions SEO For Construction Companies

Q: What is SEO and why is it important for construction companies?

A: SEO, or search engine optimization, is the practice of improving a website’s visibility and ranking on search engine results pages. For construction companies, SEO is crucial for increasing online visibility, driving traffic to the website, and attracting potential customers.

Q: How can a construction company benefit from local SEO?

A: Local SEO focuses on optimizing a website for a specific geographic area, making it easier for local customers to find the company’s services or products. It is essential for construction companies that primarily target customers in specific locations.

Q: What are some effective SEO tips for construction companies?

A: Effective SEO tips for construction companies include optimizing website content with relevant keywords, obtaining quality backlinks from industry-related websites, and creating a Google Business Profile to improve local search visibility.

Q: Do construction companies need professional SEO services?

A: Yes, professional SEO services can greatly benefit construction companies by implementing tailored strategies to improve online visibility, increase website traffic, and attract more potential customers.

Q: How can on-site SEO benefit a construction business?

A: On-site SEO involves optimizing the content and structure of a website to improve its search engine ranking. For a construction business, on-site SEO can help improve website visibility and enhance user experience, leading to increased website traffic and conversions.

Q: What are some effective off-site SEO strategies for construction companies?

A: Effective off-site SEO strategies for construction companies include building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites, creating business profiles on online directories, and obtaining positive online reviews to build credibility and authority in the industry.

Q: How can SEO help attract new customers to a construction company?

A: By improving online visibility and search engine rankings, SEO can help construction companies attract new customers who are actively searching for construction services or products online.

Q: What role does a SEO agency play in the marketing of construction companies?

A: An SEO agency can play a vital role in the marketing of construction companies by offering expertise in implementing tailored SEO strategies to improve online visibility, attract potential customers, and ultimately drive business growth.

A: Google Business Profile is important for construction companies as it helps improve local search visibility, provides essential business information to potential customers, and allows businesses to engage with their target audience directly through Google searches and maps.

Q: How can construction companies optimize their websites for better SEO?

A: Construction companies can optimize their websites for better SEO by creating high-quality, industry-specific content, improving website speed and mobile responsiveness, and implementing relevant keywords and meta tags throughout the website.

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